Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The Big Muddy

The first scenario I've worked up for Tomorrow's War is an adaptation of one of the scenarios from the rulebook.  I had all the troops on hand, and with my newly finished buildings I was ready to go.

Landara Province, Kimera, 04.05.2258

As Imperial forces advanced on the Kimeran capital city of Daiman during the Rebellion, operations were temporarily halted by severe weather on May 2nd & 3rd. The heavy spring rains transformed the rich soil of Landara Province into a muddy mess that made travel difficult for days afterward.

When operations were continued, two squads of Imperial Shock Troops were assigned to secure a power generator facility, believed to be only lightly guarded, that supplied power to a suburban area of Daiman where the Imperial forces planned to station their headquarters during the final advance on the capital. On the afternoon of May 4th, they rolled into the area in their Strike Transport APCs expecting only token resistance. However, while the Imperial surveillance drones were grounded during the storms, a platoon of veteran Kimeran Defense Force troops had occupied the facility. The Imperials found themselves unexpectedly engaged in an intense firefight for control of the power generator.

Duration of game: 6 turns
Initiative: Imperial for turn 1, test thereafter.
Special Conditions: Muddy Ground (see Special Rules below).
Fog of War: Generated normally by Reaction Tests.
Table Size: 2' x 2'

Note: Kimeran forces set up anywhere on the board outside of the Imperial deployment zone and may begin the game Hidden.

All structures are Average buildings of Quality construction (6D10).  If the power generator facility is destroyed by fire from the Imperial vehicles, then it doesn't count for Imperial victory points as described below.

The objective is the main power generator building. It's important to do as little damage as possible to the facility, so that the generator can supply power to the Imperial Battalion HQ when it is established. Only use the anti-tank weapons as absolutely necessary! And be careful driving off-road in the “Big Muddy”...

Victory Points
  • For each Imperial infantry unit at half strength or better within 6” of the power generator building at the end of turn six: 5 points
  • For each KDF infantry unit reduced below half strength: 1 point
  • For each vehicle that fires its main gun at a building: -1 point
Imperial Shock Troops Assault Force
Basic Attributes
Confidence: High
Supply Quality: Normal
Overall Tech Level: 2
On Grid? No
Body Armor: TL2, Hard (2D)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10

Fireteam Alpha
1x Squad Leader w/Laser Rifle
1x Grenadier w/Grenade Launcher (Lt. AP:1)
1x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon (Lt. AP:1)
1x Trooper w/Laser Rifle

Fireteam Bravo
1x Team Leader w/Laser Rifle
1x Grenadier w/Grenade Launcher (Lt. AP:1)
1x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon (LWS, Lt. AP:1)
1x Trooper w/Laser Rifle

Fireteam Charlie
1x Squad Leader w/Laser Rifle
1x Grenadier w/Grenade Launcher (Lt. AP:1)
1x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon (LWS, Lt. AP:1)
1x Trooper w/Laser Rifle

Fireteam Delta
1x Team Leader w/Laser Rifle
1x Grenadier w/Grenade Launcher (Lt. AP:1)
1x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon (LWS, Lt. AP:1)
1x Trooper w/Laser Rifle

2x Strike Transport (ST-II) APCs

Imperial ST-II APCs
Class: Medium
Type: Tracked
Basic TL: 2
Weapon TL: 2
Armor TL: 2
Sensor TL: 2
Front Armor: 3D8
Side Armor: 2D8
Rear Armor: 2D6
Deck Amor: 1D6
Main Gun: Heavy Laser (TL2, LWS, AP:4/AT:2(L)
Crew MGs: TL2, Lt. AP:4
Secondary Weapon: n/a
Attributes & Notes:
TL2 Detonation Field

The Imperials are obviously here to take control of the power generator facility. They have a couple vehicles, but luckily we have a couple RPGs. We have to hold the facility and drive off the Imperial assault force.

Victory Points
  • For each Imperial trooper killed or seriously wounded: 1 point
  • For each Imperial APC immobilized or destroyed: 3 points
Kimeran Defense Forces
Basic Attributes
Confidence: High
Supply Quality: Normal
Overall Tech Level: 2
On Grid? No
Body Armor: TL2, Light (1D)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10

Platoon HQ Squad
1x Platoon Leader w/Gauss ACR
1x Platoon Sgt. w/Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1x Gunner w/ RPG (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M)
1x Trooper w/ Gauss ACR

Squad 1
Fireteam 1A
1x Squad Leader w/Gauss ACR
3x Troopers w/Gauss ACR

Fireteam 1B
1x Team Leader w/Gauss ACR
3x Troopers w/Gauss ACR

Squad 2
Fireteam 2A
1x Squad Leader w/Gauss ACR
1x Gunner w/RPG (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M)
2x Troopers w/Gauss ACR

Fireteam 2B
1x Team Leader w/Gauss ACR
3x Troopers w/Gauss ACR

The Big Muddy
Two days of drenching rain have left the ground a swampy mess, making driving off-road difficult and occasionally deadly, as what appears to be a big puddle may disguise a deep sink-hole. Any time a vehicle moves off-road, it must take a Troop Quality check. A failed check indicates some sort of mishap. Consult the following chart:

Roll 1D6
Mud covers the crew's vision screens, so the must rely on sensors alone. The vehicle suffers a -1 to Reaction Test rolls.
The vehicle is bogged down in deep mud. It may only move at half tactical speed this turn.
The vehicle drives into a deep pit – it is stuck where it is and counts as Immobilized for victory conditions. Each crewman/passenger must pass a Troop Quality check to avoid becoming a casualty.
The vehicle drives into an apparently bottomless sinkhole, disappearing in a splash of muddy water. Vehicle, crew and passengers count as Destroyed/KIA for victory conditions.

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